
Tag: Reddit

Deep: More shower thoughts

Reddit’s Shower Thoughts is a crowdsourced collection of miniature epiphanies, and here are some recent submissions. This is part two of these posts. For part one, click here.

Since plants are alive, vegetarians value consciousness, not life. u/Polar_Beach

The number of people who are older than you can only get smaller. u/HarsherThanFiction

It’s amazing how Hollywood still perpetuates that it’s ok for women to hit/slap men and it’s funny or acceptable. u/tom_is_the_bomb

Your fingernails are naturally color-coded telling you where to cut u/fake-yam

Dirty dishes are so much grosser in cold water than in hot water. /ProperSauce

If humans were a nocturnal species instead of diurnal, we’d probably see dark as good and light as evil instead of the other way around. u/divsky

A paper cut is a trees glorious revenge u/3460jordt

We find dogs kind of simple that for years they continue to get pleasure from the simple act of chasing after and retreiving a ball, yet humans for years continue to get pleasure from the simple act of watching a dog chasing after and retrieving a ball. u/princeofropes

The more a person’s laugh doesn’t sound like a laugh, the more they’re laughing. u/HolyNovie

Maybe flies are actually your reincarnated relatives attempting to get your attention u/Nest-egg

Sloth is arguably the “best” sin to commit as it prevents you from practicing the other 6 deadly sins /Leadric

Willie Nelson is the Snoop Dog of country music. He is featured in like every other song in the genre, loves weed, and has a complicated history with the law. Hell, they even both wear pigtails! /jwcarpy

Your teacher or professor most likely copy and pasted the “No Plagiarism” clause in your class syllabus. u/imamuffin18

Being able to control volume is essential to comfort. But have you ever noticed that you only have one volume in your head? Whether you are reading something IN ALL CAPS or something that describes a peaceful moment- it’s at the same volume. Go ahead. Try to yell in your head. Now try to whisper. u/lgill423

Best way to test a ouija board it to have blind people use it. /alotofno

People who “don’t need to do drugs to have fun” would likely have way more fun on drugs. u/Red_Powerade

Being a baby must be traumatizing at times. Imagine going to sleep in your house and you wake up at Target. u/Please_Wave is seriously missing an advertising/business opportunity be not saving the Amazon. u/WiggleFriend

Ask: What gets really weird if you think about it too much?

A stimulating Reddit question posted five years ago by user Fuuuuunke. The entire reddit stream is here. A few of my favorite responses:

Do caterpillars know they they are going to become butterflies? Or do they just get in a cocoon thinking, what the fuck am I doing?


My bio prof recently pointed out to us that every person existed (as an egg) inside their mother while she was still developing inside her own mother’s uterus. Your first cell was created inside your grandmother, and is as old as your own mom.


Airplanes. You’re sitting in a chair, miles up in the sky, going 500mph on a gust of wind. And people complain about the food.


Trying to imagine if nothing ever existed.


If you’re currently a virgin, you’re the only virgin in long, long line of ancestors over thousands upon thousands of years. They’re all just waiting for you to continue the chain.


if you didn’t know a language how would you think?


Eating is pretty weird when you think about it. You grind up various materials to suck energy out of them and then poop them out. I think it’s weird that we eat together socially, but at the same time it’s not like we are getting together as a family to take a poop. It’s just the other side of the same process.


Roads. I can get in my car right now and go pretty much anywhere. There is an unbroken route from where my car is parked to virtually every location on this continent. And if I can’t get there by car, there are often specific places to park my car that make it as convenient as possible to get to where I want to go. We take it for granted, but it’s kind of crazy to me sometimes.


How words are spelled/look. If you look at words long enough, you begin to question why words were chosen to have that certain spelling. Or how the shapes were even formed. Or why a different letter wasn’t chosen. Or how in the hell is that word pronounced the way it is.


People stick other people’s genitals in their mouths as a sign of affection.
