
Category: Nature

In Nature: Psychedelic trees

The Rainbow Eucalyptus is native to Philippines, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea. It lives in rainforests and is “one of only four Eucalyptus species out of more than 700 that do not occur in Australia.”, according to this Earthly Mission article. The article continues, “Once shed, the inner bark that is revealed is bright green, but eventually matures to blue, purple, orange, and eventually maroon. The rainbow eucalyptus does not shed its bark all at once, but in sections throughout the year, allowing for the amazing rainbow effect.” Check out this Google images link to more photos.

Hypnotized: Cactus flower timelapse

Cactus flowers blooming contrast with the spiky cactus textures. Vibrant otherworldly colors palettes embody impermanence. These cactuses are known as “Echinopsis”, their flowers bloom overnight and last one day. The time for each timelapses captured in this montage average 8 hours/bloom.

Here is the photographer’s website, chock full of more more timelapses and stills. The video’s background music is “Chin Swee Sunset” by O$P$.